Monday 6 June 2011


When I first got the vignette assignment I had no clue what to do. I understood the instructions but I didn't know what to do for my vignette. I was so clueless I wasn't even sure I was going to be able to complete the assignment but then I got an idea!

I honestly don't know how good my vignette is but I think that it really describes me. It shows things I want to do in the future, things I do now and some of my favourite things. The things featured in this picture all have some impact in my life today which is why I think that this is a very good vignette for me.

The things featured in this photograph of my vignette are:

  • My favourite DVD's (Degrassi Season 5, Charlie Bartlet, Honey, How to Deal, Remember Me, Stick It, Titanic, Remember the Titans, The Notebook, My Sister's Keeper)
  • My favourite books (Wintergirls, Lock and Key, Just Listen, What Happened to Goodbye, Identical, Dreamland)
  • iPod (playing Down With Webster, my favourite band who I got to meet at a concert)
  • iPod Dock
  • Seventeen fitness edition
  • 5 postcards for trips to various countries

I chose to put the DVD's in because I love them all. They are things that I enjoy doing and can change my mood completely. Each one is different but most tell a story of resilience or are just enjoyable.

I chose to put in my books because they are all stories of teenagers just like me who have difficulties that they have to overcome. My books are some of the most important things to me because they are all different and tell a beautiful story.

I chose to put my iPod in because I listen to music a lot. Sometimes I can remember a day or a moment by what song was playing. Music is something that can completely change your mood but it can also make you think and inspire me. The reason my iPod was playing Down With Webster was because the memory I have of meeting them with my best friend Brianna is one of the best I can remember. That night was amazing. 

I chose to put the Seventeen fitness edition in because I want to continue to work on being healthy in the future. I also put this issue in because the girl on the cover is an actress in two of my favourite television shows. I also think that she is a very positive role model for teenage girls.

I chose to put the five postcards for trips to various countries because I would like to travel to these countries to try and make a difference in their communities. This is something I have wanted to do for a few years so this was something I had to add to my vignette. I am very passionate about helping people who aren't as fortunate as us.

Some things that I couldn't feature in my vignette for various reasons but I wish I could have are:
  • My phone. I would have added my phone because it is something that I use all the time and connects me to anyone I want.

  • Pictures of my friends

My vignette represents me and the most important things in my life.

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